

Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League


Competition 2022



The League recognizes that any competitions which can be held during 2021 are likely be much later in the year, however the committee is keen to look forwards and has agreed in principle to the following weekends on which the 2022 competition will take place.

May 28/29

July 2/3

September 10/11


Round 1has been brought froward a week from its traditional date due to the proposed later /extended spring bank holiday due in 2022.


Committee are also happy to support the idea of a Sunday gala if conditions are favorable in organizing one versus the Saturday.  



Colin Jones (Executive Committee)

March 2021





Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League


Competition 2020


To Club Contacts,


Given the ongoing uncertainty on the easing of the government’s restrictions on leisure centers re-opening and the ability of member clubs to begin returning to some level of ongoing activity it has been decided that the third round of the 2020 competition set for September 12 should be cancelled. This will allow clubs to fully concentrate of the resumption of their own individual programmers which as we all can imagine are likely to look very different in terms of administration than pre Covid 19.


The League committee sends all member clubs it’s best wishes in these extremely difficult times , we will look to contact clubs later in the year once some kind of level of normality returns to seek views, gauge opinions ahead of the planned 2021 competition.  


Many Thanks

MKDL Committee June 30             






Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League


Competition 2020


To Club Contacts,


Given the government’s current measures to stop the spread of coronavirus with the majority of the lockdown measures still in place it has been decided that Rounds 1 and 2 of the 2020 competition due to take place in early June and early July are cancelled.


The MKDL committee hope that over the next few weeks measures introduced by the government may be relaxed, with this in mind and being completely aware of the difficulties that may still lie ahead we would like to keep the date of round 3 –September 12- open for the moment. Obviously having just a single round would change the dynamic of the way the league results etc would be produced. Further updates will follow once more information is to hand.


Many Thanks

MKDL Committee




Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League


Division 2 2020


To Club Contacts,


Following the AGM discussions continued on how to manage Division 2, although hopes of encouraging other clubs to participate and fill the gaps concerns still existed that if this were not possible a real possibility that at least 1gala in the circumstances would not happen.


As an option Aylesbury have put forward using Aquavale in an eight team gala so that we would have a gala of six and one of eight within Division 2.


This option clearly not within the competition rules, conditions we currently have so it would be a step into the unknown as far as we are concerned.


It would mean automatically for 2020, that Aquavale host in all 3 rounds even if Aylesbury not participating.


That clubs attending the event would be expected to provide a level of support, possibly share in some of the overall admin required.


That existing available resources to support the event would need to be developed or amended.

An equitable adjusted points system would be implemented.


am hoping clubs, certainly in Division 2 will be supportive so at least we can try and ensure galas take place this year.


Many Thanks





Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League




- Round 1 Draw- is availiable via the Results tab

- League Subs for 2019 are now due.

- Clubs Team Lists for the 2019 competition are due before round 1 takes place




Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League




Clubs are asked to review the league web site with information to date for 2018:

-Round 1 Draw- please note hosts for several galas still required

-Updated Administrative Files for the 2018 competition now available.

-Notes from AGM 2018- Specific point on question for 2019 competition.  


If you are no longer the contact point for your club could you kindly forward on as necessary.



Many Thanks Executive Committee 



UPDATE 6/9/17


Milton Keynes & District League 2017 Competition


Important Notice – Minimum Age for Competition


Following dialogue over the course of the summer between the League, the ASA and Swim England it has been confirmed that one of our conditions under which the League is operating under for 2017 is non-compliant with current ASA Law, namely the minimum age for competition. All swimmers must be age 9 years or greater, this must be calculated as at the date of the last round of the competition as laid out under rule 410.5.3 therefore September 9. The age-at date for the purposes of League Rule 13 remains unchanged at 31 December with the additional proviso that all swimmers must be age 9+ on 9 September.

The League has no choice but to comply and requests member clubs to act up on it. The League Management Committee can only apologise to all member clubs for this issue developing, more importantly at this late stage can you pass on our personal apologies to any member of any club who now finds themselves in this position as we approach Round 3 of the competition.

Whether underage swimmers are permitted to swim but to gain no points is a matter for the referee.

Unfortunately this does also mean we shall need to review and potentially change if required previous results submitted.


Milton Keynes & District Committee



UPDATE 19/6/17


Milton Keynes & District League 2017 Competition


Age on Day


As you all know an issue was raised at Round 1 concerning age as at for the youngest age group, we felt it best to make you all aware as soon as was practically possible of the concern, and possible consequences for the remainder of the competition.

Regrettably the initial message was not clear enough and suggested a far more wide spread problem, this was never the case and we apologise for the confusion most certainly created.

Whilst we attempted to contact clubs individually to explain the current position we have also been in the background working away to obtain some independent advice to use as needed in communications to you all.

Guidance has been received care of contacts within London Swimming from the Chairperson of the ASA Swimming Management Group confirming that we are complaint providing competitors reach minimum age requirement by due date.    

We appreciate the situation over the last fortnight has not been ideal and that a certain amount of distress will have been felt by members in attempting to deal with the situation as it developed. 

Therefore age reverts back to 31/12/17 (all age groups)


League Committee   




UPDATE 3/3/17



Following a review of the approach of the current league structures and a waiting list of 8 new clubs to join the league, MKJL executive team completed the following review.





December 2016

Following feedback from potential new clubs joining the leagues. Agree to hold over the running of the draw for round one 2017 galas 

• Communicated via MKJL website update 

February AGM Agenda items 2017

All clubs advised via email communication of decision not to complete draw at AGM

• Minutes and AGM proposal for review shared via website and emails.

AGM February 2017

Minutes and additional actions circulated via website and email with proposed approach for feedback and review by middle of February 

• Several emails from clubs received and reviewed by executive including options to consider maintaining traditional 6 lane galas - including contacting current Head Coaches on separate email from Vice Chair of MKJL 

February 19th 2017  3 league options reviewed 

Following feedback from clubs and head coaches.  

3 options were reviewed and the following proposal was agreed by a sub group of the MKJL Exec and the draw for this years competition completed on this basis 

• Division 1 = 18 teams 
• Division 2 = 12 teams 
• Division 3 = up to 12 teams and all new teams to start in this division 
• In order to maintain the numbers above, there will be no relegation for teams from Division 1 and only 2 teams from Division 2 will be promoted (clubs impacted have been advised) 
• Going forward the league will maintain a two up two down relegation and promotion approach

March 2 2017

Updated communications of updated league structure posted on website and draw for round one galas and hosts updated on website and via email

• Summary document updated on MKJL website 


• Division 1 = 18 teams 
• Division 2 = 12 teams 
• Division 3 = up to 12 teams and all new teams to start in this division 
• In order to maintain the numbers abovethere will be no relegation for teams from Division 1 and only 2 teams from Division 2 will be promoted (clubs impacted have been advised) 
• Going forward the league will maintain a two up two down relegation and promotion approach




ROUND 1 DRAW 2017 (added 21/2/17)

The Round 1 Draw and new league format will be posted later this week and communicated to all clubs


MKJL - Communications update (added 13/2/17)

Proposed League Changes

• As we have 7 clubs applying to join the league we are proposing the following approach for feedback from member clubs
• The League has received an unprecedented level of interest from clubs either looking to join the league or field additional teams within the competition in 2017. Whilst the committee is pleased to see such interest it has been decided a period of consultation will take place to access the implications therefor certain items on the AGM will not take place on February 5 but will instead be agreed and communicated out to members no later than the end of February.
• Introduction of 7 new clubs would mean a rebalancing of existing two division and meansthat host clubs will typically run 5 team galas through the season
• Our ideal would be to have a balanced divisions for competition in 2017
• Proposal
• For Division 1 Reduce further by 2 current total number, in 2016 we had 17, Hillingdon drop out , so option can be relegate the bottom 3 from Division 1 but only promote the top 2 from Division 2.
• For Division 2  Reduce the total number by 4 teams , suggest simply the bottom 4 from the end of 2016, 2016 we had 18 teams , so for 2017 we begin with 18 , then plus 1 minus 4 gets us to 15 teams.
• For the new Division 3 Currently up to 7 new teams plus the 4 teams from Division 2 means we have 11.

AGM rule change proposal

• Two clubs to be relegated this season and ongoing in order to reduce impact on teams not moving due to host and travel costs
• Team Gala names Submissions to be completed by 10th July for final September Gala
• From September 2018 - Delay by one week date for 3rd Gala to allow teams to adjust post changes to summer holidays
• Age on date to be included as 31st December except for clubs forecast for Semi and Final rounds
• Club subscriptions to rise to £30 per year at AGM

Dates confirmed for 2017 galas

• June 3rd
• July 1st
• September 9th





Milton Keynes & District League AGM February 5 2017


Important Notice


The League has received an unprecedented level of interest from clubs either looking to join the league or field additional teams within the competition in 2017. Whilst the committee is pleased to see such interest it has been decided a period of consultation will take place to access the implications therefor the following items on the AGM will not take place on February 5 but will instead be agreed and communicated out to members no later than the end of February.


Item No 6   Milton Keynes & League Composition 2017

Item No 12 Draw for Round 1


Colin Jones   



Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League

Annual General Meeting


Sunday February 5 2017

Botwell Green Sports & Leisure Complex

East Avenue





1. Welcome


2. Apologies


3. Minutes Annual General Meeting February 7 2016


4. Matters Arising


5. Executive Committee Report 2016


6. League Composition 2017-Potential Structural Changes


7. Competition Dates 2017 & 2018


8. Treasure’s Report/Accounts 2016


9. Club Subscriptions 2017


10. Gala Spectator Entry-Programme Charges 2017


11. Election of Officers & Executive Committee 2017


12. Potential Rule Changes/Gala Administration


13. Organisation /Draw Round 1 2017


14. AOB


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